Ah yes it's that dreaded disc read error. You wonder if it's just your console's laser going out, so you pop in another game to make sure the console is still in working order. The other game loads just fine, so you know it's not your console. You look at the other side of the disc you tried to play before, and notice there's some white residue on the disc. It's the insufferable disc rot, something that can and will most likely happen over time when it comes to disc based software. You may think that cartridge based games are in good luck, however bit rot can happen to the cartridge game too. It's one thing if your disc just needs to be resurfaced, but there's nothing you can do about disc rot. This happened to me last night when I went to play a game in my collection that I never played before. I was worried that my Gamecube's laser had bit the dust, but thankfully it's still going strong even almost 19 years after I first got it in 2004 for Christmas. The game is Judge Dredd, Dredd vs Death and unfortunately most Gamecube games are expensive these days and the game is about $40 for disc only. Have you ever dealt with Disc or Bit rot before? This is why preservation is key with any piece of software, consoles and games will not last forever.
Comments 1
idk if I've had discrot exactly but I have had just games far to damaged to work ,a few DS games with damaged connectors because people are awful with second hand stuff, luckily I've gotten a lot to work