New Year Resolutions

    • Official Post

    Are you a person who makes New Year resolutions every year? Or do you rarely ever make New Year resolutions? For whatever reason, this year I decided to make a few resolutions for myself that I want to complete this year. I would love for this place to have at least 5,000 posts by the end of the year. I think we can definitely make it for sure! We're already around 600 posts away (I thought it was 500 but still lol it's not too far away!) I also want to focus more on my Youtube channel and I made a goal of making at least 5 video game challenge videos. I already have two filmed, and I'm in the process of filming another one. I'm also almost done editing one of the videos so I should definitely make this goal! I want to complete at least half of the video games in my collection, I have a huge backlog and there's games in my collection that I never even played! I have a nice microphone and Elgato capture device now so I can record footage and livestream games from my old consoles now. Anyways these are my resolutions and I hope I can complete some if not all of them. Do you have any?

  • I don't really have any hard resolutions, but rather some more generalised goals I want to work on. Going to the gym more regularly, I will start that goal this Sunday. Which is pretty doable, as I was essentially doing that already. Just took a few weeks off over Christmas. To try and read more, both in terms of books and academic articles. To write more and get more comfortable with writing, will use my blog here for that. Also to be more active on the forums I am on. Also to be better at replying to people on the Slowly app. Finally to go well with uni and not lose focus of my passion.

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