If given the option to binge watch a show, do you binge watch it or not? I prefer to binge watch a show that I am very invested in, back in the day we didn't have a option though! We had to wait for the next episode for a week!

Do you prefer to binge watch a show?
Most definitely. If I really like a show, I prefer to binge-watch the entire series in a couple of days. It’s a habit of mine that I’ve grown accustomed to over the years.
I really love the fact that I’m able to do this now since it’s possible on streaming apps.
If the TV show I am watching is a show I have a great interest in then I do tend to binge-watch it. The last TV show I watched that I binge-watched was Chicago Fire a few years ago.
I need to binge-watch the last two seasons of Chicago Fire ready for season 13 starting in a few weeks.
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