A pretty bad storm come in earlier with golf ball size hail, but now it’s sunny out and it’s 79 degrees. It was 90 degrees before the storm come in.

What’s the weather like today?
Completely dark. The temperature's 12°C.
It’s been a hot and sunny day. The high was 95 degrees and the heat index was 100. It wasn’t such a humid day today, so that was good.
Completely dark. The temperature's 11°C.
It's very hot today, it's currently 95 degrees and it's humid. I'll only go outside to bring the can out front and that's it. We don't have a pool, or a place to install one so I don't usually go outside much during the summertime.
Completely dark. The temperature's 12°C.
It was hot again today, but thankfully it wasn't too humid like it was yesterday. The humidity makes it even hotter than it is, I'll be happy once Summer is over with.
It’s 92 degrees with a heat index of 100 degrees today. It’s also very humid. It’s a hot Texas summer day.
It got up in the lower 90's today, so I stayed inside lol. Not looking forward to Monday since it's going to be 97 degrees out which means it's going to be super hot at work... At least I only have one more week of work then I'm off for a week.
It was 96 degrees today and felt like 104 degrees. The humidity wasn’t so bad though.
Cloudy. The temperature's 17°C.
It was extremely hot and tomorrow will be no better unfortunately. Got up to 99 degrees and that's without the heat index, with the heat index it was about 103 outside.
The weather wasn't too bad today. We had some quick showers earlier, but they stopped right after, and it got sunny. It was 80 degrees and low humidity. I’m glad that major heat that we were dealing with throughout the summer is starting to go away.
It has been a mixed bag today in terms of the weather, we have had warm sunshine, a slight breeze, some cloud and some rain. We were under a thunderstorm watch but that seemed to miss us.
It’s 93 degrees today, but it feels like 96, especially since the humidity is high.
It was quite humid today, got up to about 79 degrees but it felt much hotter due to the humidity. It's supposed to be much cooler this week, in the lower 70's but we're going to get some storms so it might be humid.
Hot and humid, as usual.
I can't wait until November when the humidity goes away and the heat is tolerable. -
It was 92 degrees and very humid today. We’re going to be in the low 90’s for the rest of week, but we’ll be in the low 80’s next week.
It couldn't be any better today.
Cloud coverage, no rain, no humidity; perfection for a tropical island.
It was in the low 90’s today, but we’re finally getting our first cold front tomorrow. It’ll be in the low 70’s all day.
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