Posts by Ravenfreak

    I swear sometimes things happen and they seem just to real to be a coincidence. Yesterday at work I had a piece of mail that I wasn't sure if it went to an account I knew how to run or not, so I asked one of the coordinators and she wasn't sure either so she set it aside. Last night as I was going to sleep I was thinking about that piece of mail and thought "I bet I'll end up getting it again." Sure enough guess what? That same piece of mail I had opened the day before ended up in my tray this morning! Then as I was listening to the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 16 bit soundtrack, I got a check from a company that had the name Sonic in it! I swear sometimes it feels like we're in a simulation. Another time when I was 15 years old, so almost 20 years ago I was spending the night at my best friend's house. I had a dream that we went to our favorite hangout spot and as soon as we reached our destination, the tornado sirens went off! So we hopped on our bikes and made it home. The next day it happened in real life! The only detail that was different was the fact that we had bottles of Sunny D with us and in my dream we didn't have them!

    I just found this article over on r/buffy about a half hour ago. I know they were talking about trying to reboot the series in 2018 and was going to have someone else other than Sarah Michelle Gellar to play as Buffy but those plans fell through. This time around however, it seems that there's been a Pilot greenlit by Hulu and Sarah is on board with this reboot if it actually does come to plan. Funny that I started to rewatch the series and I'm currently almost done with season 4. I hope if we do get a reboot, it doesn't ruin the series much.

    BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Returns from the Dead as Sarah Michelle Gellar Joins a Reboot from Hulu and Chloé Zhao - Get Your Comic On
    Sarah Michelle Gellar is reportedly ready to return to the role of Buffy Summer as Hulu looks to resurrect Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

    This is something I rarely do but I got the urge to get up super early and watch the sunrise yesterday. Since I work super early, I was tired at around 7 pm so I went to sleep at that time on Saturday evening and got up around 6:30 Sunday morning. I went outside and sat down in one of the chairs we have on our back porch. It was a cool, crisp morning and it felt good to go outside and connect with nature when all you can hear are the birds chirping and watch the squirls run around the yard. Do you ever get up to watch the sunrise? I like working super early too since I can see the sun rising from the corner of my eye while looking outside the window. Still it was a much better experience at home. I think I might try to do this more often.

    I enjoy hard salami as well a genoa salami. I remember as a kid the first time I had hard salami I got sick the next day, I thought I was allergic but I just ended up getting a stomach bug. Then I tried it again years later and the same thing happened, so I stopped eating it again for a while. Finally I worked up the courage to try it again, and this time it didn't upset my stomach so I'm happy lol. It tastes similar to pepperoni.

    I enjoy drinking raspberry or peach tea. I also enjoy half tea half lemonade as well, but never really cared for green tea or sweet tea. My uncle likes sun tea, he used to make it all the time and I think he still does.

    Well I never made that status, but I haven't been on Facebook in a few days now. Instead I'm browsing Reddit on my breaks and lunch. I even limited my Bluesky time because I keep seeing political things, which I understand it's crappy what's going on now but I want to unplug from that and try to live a normal life without getting angry all the time.

    I suggest to limit your screentime. Do not look at your phone or watch tv at least 30 minutes before you fall asleep. They say we often stay awake if we look at a screen before bedtime since it tricks your brain into thinking it's daylight.

    I never really thought about bankruptcy until I started working at a bank. I don't have any big debts, I do have a medical bill I never fully paid off, but that's it. So I never needed to file for bankruptcy. How about you, have you ever needed to file for bankruptcy? Which one did you file under, Chapter 7 or 13?

    I know this is more popular at high schools, but my current job has had two spirit weeks since I've started working there and I've only been there for almost four months now! We are having spirit week this week again, today was Throwback Thursday. I ended up wearing a white long sleeve shirt, my Shadow the Hedgehog shirt over that, my khakis, and my black and gold Nikes so I looked like I was from the late 90's or early 00's I guess since Shadow made his debut in 2001! Does your job participate in Spirit Week?

    I think it's cool to see what people can make! My wife knows how to crochet and she's getting better and better each day. How long have you been working on your crafting projects?